really packed week i had.
31july, tuesday.
one picture speaks a thousand words.? (:

yummylicous. thanks study buddy for the treat!!! (:
2aug, thursday.
went back to ahs. i miss the place. but so much has changed that i no longer am able to find a reason or anything to go back for anymore. other than my dear girls, i doubt i'll ever be able to step into the school and not feel out of place. sigh. i really miss the times. esp when i sat outside the "unbrella(which are no longer there)-tables" outside 2H classroom. remember the times we stayed back in school to study. i miss those years.
gave a chopchop bs to lynnette and leeying. isabel!! (: next session i'm gonna see you there too alright! (: even though it was juz a short while. i love the feeling of giving bs again. i want more of it. and i want more of the pre-bs sessions i have on my own. 3hours preparing for one lesson iz worth it because it was like a bible study for myself too. i want my VL lessons too!!!!
headed to city hall to meet study buddy again :D and erm. i tink we laughed very much harder this time round. geex. x) but studying sure iz made more fun by study buddy, right study buddy.? waha. sounds like some tongue twister. :p
3aug, friday.
the fantabulous FOP was on this weekend which i only unfortunately made it for the friday session. geex. it's a pity i missed the saturday and sunday session of it. pst phil pringle was like smashing good on friday. sunday would have gone up yet another higher level. ): sharks. well friday's queue was short though (: yayness. and i was really excited even before the event started. wow. and boy was don moen good. i want the songs!! anyone.? x) esp the one "he never sleeps he never slumbers he never tired of hearing our prayers..." gosh. (:
4aug, saturday.
went to ecp for 2.4run with the ahs girls. (: it sure feels good to be back in familiar ground. being part of what's going on in their lifes. and not forgetting, being able to meet the juniors not juz the girls who at least still do recognise me (: esp eugenia! (: miss that sister of mine (: ppl still do say we look alike :p
headed to get some stuff got home to prepare the potato salad and rushed to city hall to meet the cell group up for supposedly high tea at starbucks :D but turned out not. but anyway i had lotsa time to kill so i waited for the bus and taxi den bus and ya with them at city hall as they headed down for fop. well at least even though i didn't manage to make it for fop, i still managed to meet up the peeps up (:
headed to simei for the long awaited track bbq.. (:
jon picked weixiong, jud and i in his dad's car. gosh can he drive (: i wanna get my driving license soon too!! like erm. 3months more to go. rah.
went earlier to the condo to swim (: the water babes and hunks. :p cant help it. water juz rocks my socks (: before the bbq started i came with the mindset that whatever it iz, successful or unsuccessful gathering, big crowd or small.. i'll juz enjoy myself. and so i did. by being in the water. but it turned out the bbq was quite a success (: the people who said weren't coming came, food was sufficient cuz of jon's satays and chinkai's otahs (: jud's rice and my potato salad was comsumed even before the bigger crowd came. bleh. but whatever it iz i enjoyed myself. i hope the seniors who came did too!! i cant believe the guest-of-honours(ze and serene) ended up cooking the hotdogs and satays for us!! x) but SENIORS!! it was great seeing all of you again! and arvin tang! i want the photos! (:
so juz some pictures (:
the gang

osama's marshmallow that caught fire.

the beautiful babe - ze (:

mr teo. our photographer ashraf said we both look like kids. baha!

jud, osama, weixiong, jon, me (: anti clockwise (:

the babes! (:

kaisheng the satay man. well at least he said he wanted to be that. x)

at slightly before 10, the water babes and hunks returned to their water paradise and had a SPLASHING good time!! (: diving and backflipping and frontflipping our way into the pool and making a heck of a time that the security guard was nice enough to keep extending the time we could stay and have fun in the pool (: until another grumpy security guard cycled by and asked us to come outta our paradise. sigh. night swimming iz really fun. and so after the gathering wrapped up at the condo, we headed to tampines coffee bean to hang out for a while (: juz sit around talking and enjoying the company. caught the last 28bus home. yL took the bus with me. homed. tired. zzzed.
and yes ze. i fell. while walking toward the coffee bean i slipped cuz of water on the floor. landed hard on one knee and this iz the result. waha

mega blueblack. cant see it really well but you know it's there. that's my knee x) baha.
5aug, sunday. today.
woke up at 8. david came by and we cycled to ecp. baha! my first time cycling outta my housing estate. waha! coolness (: it really was amusing. and when last night i learnt how to backflip, today i learnt how to ride up a curb whilst cycling and not stopping totally. x) so it can be true that we learn smth new every day! (:
yupp! so cycled. reached. had a few games for this miniature leisure cell group meeting. dodgeball. sorry od!!!! i'm still feeling quite bad i hit your head so hard with that darn ball. after that i softened pretty much of my throws. zzz. scary. and did i say? david makes a very good "angel/nurse" in the game of murder. waha! it was only towards the last two games or so (i felt) did the whole thing get better.
left together with david and deliang as they cycled me home x) waha. in the end deliang twisted his ankle. ahhhhhh!! geex. take care of that ankle alright! so we sent him home in taxi! i tink i'm a taxi repeller. :p only when i crossed the road did a taxi stop for them. and the thing iz when i was on the opposite side, all the taxis available (which was actually very frequent) became no taxi at all. AHhhhHhh!! baha.!
cycled home. managed to drag my dad to go grandma's with me. saw david on the way in the car. x) cool. my dad says he's a pretty serious cyclist. hmmm! are you one, david.? x)
hanged out at grandma's a while. napped a while. headed to water polo training. tiring. but fun. played 4quarters of dunno how long. seemed like forever. swimming endlessly and trapping water like noone's business. as you attack you feel hands on you trying to drown you. i went down a few times. and towards the end instead of swimming freestyle in the pool. i reverted to breaststoke. geex. it's really tiring. and you CANNOT catch up with the swimmers. fast and furious in the water. i need to build my water stamina!!!!!! but the game's tmr. so yeah.
BEDTIME! (: long story telling iz over. once upon a time...... no more. nights! (: